Hello, and welcome to our new Answer the Call website and blog.

We will have multiple writers for our blog to keep you informed and updated on what’s happening behind the scenes so that you can get to know our team. We will be sharing our heart for the nations, cool testimonies, what it's like in the countries we minister in, and upcoming adventures. So, be forewarned, we have LOTS of stories to share!

What a beautiful tapestry our lives are as we connect and meet with other believers nearby and around the globe. Our world is indeed getting smaller. Affordable flights, live video talks, social media, and smart phones make it easy for us to get to even the most remote villages. We are engaging and connecting in ways that at one time was impossible to believe, and look forward to sharing that with you.

We would love to from you, so if you have questions, suggestions, comments, please write and we will be sure to answer you.