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Lea has three grown children and three grandchildren. She is a single foster mom and has worked 34 years with adults with developmental disabilities. She has traveled the world extensively and has a personal relationship with our ministry outreaches and sponsors. Her love for the poor, destitute, and helpless has been the heart and passion behind what we do.



Leonne works as operations manager for a financial institution, and has a Masters Degree in Business Admin-istration in Applied Management. She has ministered on the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Indian reservations, as well as in Mexico, India, Nepal, and many US states. Leonne has a strong heart for missions and a desire to take the love of God into the nations.



Happily married for 22 years, Michelle and her husband have four children and eleven grandchildren. Michelle works as an advocate care giver to people with disabilities. It's her passion to improve their quality of life while helping them to achieve their goals and dreams. She is active in her church as a Sunday school teacher, missions chairperson and member of the church council. With a heart for  ATC, she has been to India and Nepal and is looking forward to many more trips.



Benjamin has a background in business and finance. He is an author, public speaker, radio host and our friend. He was key in getting ATC get established and attain a 501c3. His great love for orphans, widows, lepers and those who are deemed as "the least of these" is what helps to make our ministry a success.

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